
25 January 2011

Beauty Tips For a Natural Beauty..

Most women want to be the best appearance in their life. They wanted to be as much as natural beauty they can. These days, natural beauty is now most applied by women because natural beauty is not only offer you free tips and less cost, it enhances your beauty without applying thick make up. In other words, natural beauty can be glowed without much effort if you really know how to practice the right tips. 

So here, i share with you this beauty tips. You can see which of them that easy for you to follow. It might not taking too much of your time as most of the instrument needed can be found at your home. I myself willingly to try this at home hehe..:)

1) Brighten grey elbows by rubbing them with half a fresh lemon, it has a natural bleaching effect. Moisturize the skin afterwards to counteract the drying effects of the juice.

2) Carry a spray of mineral water in your handbag to freshen up foundation while you are out and about.

3) Sleeping on your back helps prevent wrinkles, according to recent research. It is certainly worth a try!

4) Dunk feet into a bowl containing warm water and 4 tablespoons of epsom salts to help ease swollen ankles.

5) If you have very soft nails, file them while the polish is still on to prevent them from cracking.

6) If you find eyebrow tweezing painful, hold an ice cube over the area first to numb the area before you start.

7) Warm up your looks by dusting a little blusher over your temples, chin and the tip of your nose as well as your cheeks.

8) Keep your smile looking its best by changing your toothbrush as soon as the bristles begin tp splay. This means at least every three months.

9) Soak nails in a bowl of olive oil once a week to strengthen them.

10) When plucking your eyebrows, coat the hairs you want to remove with concealer - it will help you visualize exactly the shape of brow you are after.

11) For eyes that really sparkle, try outlining them inside your eyelashes with a soft white cosmetic pencil.

12) Hide cracked or chipped nails under stick on false ones.

13) Make over prominent eyes appear smaller by applying a wide coat of liquid liner. The thicker the line the smaller your eyes will look.

14) Calm down a red angry blemish by applying an ice cube over it for a few seconds and then apply your usual medicated concealer.

15) Apply foundation powder with a damp sponge for a thicker, more opaque coverage. Applied with a dry sponge, the result will be sheerer.

That's it for today. 
Have a pleasant Tuesday.
Keep on beautiful.. :)



  1. "Dunk feet into a bowl containing warm water...." Saya tidak pernah buat ni. Bukan apa, sa takut sakit bah..ekeke!

  2. Wyne:
    nda sakit baitu..ko pakai air suam2 gia hehehe

  3. doi nice nanti mau try lagi

  4. Wah...mcm byak useful info la d cni ni..found you thru Mom and Her Diary and now following/stalking you! =)

  5. These are great beauty tips for maintaining great skin

  6. again tips yg membina... cheaper than minta buat di kedai... ;p

  7. EJA:

    Thanks! Welcome to my blog. Do visit again okay..:)

    Thanks! U can put me in ur bloglist for more update from my blog :)

  8. Jenny:
    Thanks! Do come here again :)

    ms d33 b33:
    betul tu, cheaper hehe!

  9. Apa maksud kau "ko punya ikan kaitu hehe! sian.. "?

  10. del:
    because i tot snowy is a fish.. tau2 kucing pula haha

  11. blusher yg sia nda pernah beli.. baru mo try2 kunun...

  12. nah..paling syok tu rendam kaki pakai air suam..hehe..
