
28 December 2010

Cuti-Cuti Malaysia

Hello dear friends, here is just a short update.
We're (me and hubby) finally touchdown at Kuching International Airport. Now we're having our breakfast at MacD, Kuching Airport, so i take this lil' time to do some blog update.
 We will be here until 31st December. That means we'll celebrate our wedding anniversary here which is tomorrow (29th December).

Okay that's it for now. I'll try to do some blog updates while I am here.. ( kalau sempat lah hehe)

Till then, Have a Great Tuesday.


27 December 2010

Christmas Celebrations

Hello friends, it's monday again.. and it's 27th December 2010. We're more likely to end the year 2010 in 5 days. So what is your preparation?.. 

So for now, i would like to post some of about my Christmas celebration. Well, for this year i was more on to family things. I didn't go to any friends house to celebrate Christmas, just with the in-law family and my family.

To begin with, Christmas eve dinner were conducted the day before Christmas. It was 7.00pm as me and hubby arrived at Promenade Hotel. Yes, we had dinner there with my hubby's family. It was nice to had dinner with his family because it was like long time already we didn't get to gather for dinner as each of family member were busy with the own affair.

 my plate..

hubby's plate


The family

Happy face.. got present from parents

So, the next day was a Christmas Day. As usual me and hubby went to the Church of Mary Immaculate for the Christmas Mass prayer at 9.00am.

The Church of Mary Immaculate on Christmas morning

 The Choir team.. Congrats to them for a great performance

 Baby Jesus in A Manger, nice deco

 Me and Hubby and Church Area

Santa Claus also there..hehe

After done offering prayer in church, me and hubby then went back to home to prepare for Christmas gathering with my family around 2.00pm. The gathering took place at my parents house in Taman Bersatu, Putatan. We bought a Christmas cake at Strawberry cake house, Damai and 2 slices of meat at Foh Sang to prepare a meal for the Christmas gathering. I offered myself to cook one meal at my home to bring out for the gathering, it was like a potluck though.

The food.. So, guess which meal i cooked?..hehe

The Christmas Cake..delicious!

My family.. :)

Happy with their Christmas gift.. :)

Okay, that's it for now. So, how's your Christmas celebration?..
 Christmas will be meaningful if you celebrate it with your loved ones. It will be more memorable and make you close to each other. And the most important is we able to understand the reason of the season.. :)

Till then, have a fun Monday..:)

p/s: I am on leave today until New Year and will be flying on a jet plane tomorrow..Yeay! can't wait..hehe..

24 December 2010

Christmas and Surprise..

It's Christmas eve already.. Wow...i am so happy.. and today is the last day for me to work in office for year 2010. I will be on leave until NEW YEAR.. yeay!!

So I would like to take this opportunity to wish 
to my family members, relatives and friends.. :)

I wonder what is my Christmas gift. I really can't wait to unwrap it!..hehe..
Hubby gives surprise to me again. He put the Christmas gift the day after we set up Our Christmas tree. He put it along with others gifts under the Christmas tree without me knowing.. hmm.. But mata saya pantas, boleh nampak tu hadiah hahaha..

 Our Christmas tree..

 Did you notice where he put the gift?.. Compare with above pic..hehe!

hmmm..can't wait to unwrap it..hehe

That's all for now. Enjoy your holiday :)

22 December 2010

Top Ten Christmas Gifts 2010

Yes, it’s that time of the year again, when the glistening shades of red and green adorn the peaceful and serene whites. No points for guessing, it is time for Santa to ride his sledge down the lanes! Christmas is one of the most awaited festivals of the year. Celebrated on the 25th of December each year, it marks the advent of holiday season and festive spirit. Holiday season is a time for family, a time for friends, a time for joy, a time for celebrations and everyone’s favorite, a time for gifts! Sharing our joys and happiness with others are on an all time high on and around Christmas. Adding to the delight are the numerous offers, discounts and holiday specials showered by each of the stores, which makes shopping and buying gifts all the more special and a delightful experience. Many companies also launch holiday specific packages and products. In the midst of all this we help you figure out the best gifts with out list of popular gift ideas for 2010. Loosen up and dig in.

2010 Hot Christmas Gifts
We start counting down; so here you go...

Number 10 - Nintendo Wii
Wii slips down the list from last year, but still retains a position in the top ten gifts, for the plain fact that it’s cool to have one! It is one gift that can be enjoyed not just by the person whom you give it too, but by his whole family and even you. The great thing about Wii is that you can play it within the house in front of the television and with your family, but still enjoy real outdoor fun. Though new consoles are arriving with similar ideas, they would take some time before reaching the level Wii has already attained. And the games available are just awesome. The latest buzz is that Wii is launching a new super Mario game. Isn’t that enough to lay your hands on one this Christmas for real enthusiasts! Go ahead try it.

Number 9 - Digital Camera
Now here is something can help you capture those beautiful moments of your life in crystal clear images. Digital cams are your one shot solution for bad memory and undisputed enjoyment. With new age, digital cameras have gone way down the price lane, as they cost you for less than a 100$. And if that isn’t reason enough to pick one, know that even the most decent of ones today possess amazing quality, up-to-date features, editing options and tons of storage. This Christmas, a digital camera is definitely the weapon of choice!

Number 8 - New Apple iPods
YO my hommies!! These are the coolest little gadgets available right now. With Apple unveiling the latest iterations to all its models, starting with iPod shuffle; entertainment has become so much more 'Applesque’.' The new iterations are neater, sleeker, handier and less costly. With the latest shuffle costing just $50, it’s a great bargain for gifting music enthusiasts. So what are you waiting for? Of course, Christmas!

Number 7 - DVD Specials
For those of you who enjoy television series and enjoy special performances, you can always find a fresh new DVD collection out there. It can be the long forgotten collection or a collector’s edition only, but it’s worth it. Just imagine a box set of all episodes of your favorite series even those you missed. Well, that can add glitters to anyone’s Christmas celebrations. You can also find DVD of special performances or DVDs of movies with added footage for real hardcore fans!

Number 6 - Favorite Accessories
This is especially for people who spend a lot of time with different things and are either semi-or fully obsessed with something. For example, if your friend spends way lot of time with his lappy, buy him something for his laptop and see his face light up. If he plays guitar, get him something related to that, even if it means buying that exotic pick! After all, this was something which he always wished for, isn’t it? If your teenager holds his/ her cell phone dearer, then buy him neat accessories for that and rest assured, your thought shall be rewarded with endless gratefulness.

Number 5 - Gift Certificate
A hassle free and very convenient option! Also it, in reality, becomes the most personalized option. If you are confused and facing a choc-o-bloc as to what gift to buy or feel that your friend/relative/child/parents may not like your gift; then don’t buy a gift. Simple! Well, that doesn’t mean you don’t get anything for the person. Just get your buddy a gift certificate from one of the places you think he loves to shop. It can be from anywhere, right from a designer shopping to his/her favorite eatery. During the holiday season, all shops offer gift certificates either at discounted prices or bundled with offers. So, just go and grab them before they run out of it!

Number 4 - Holiday Package
If your parents have been busy for a longtime and you have overheard them say that they wish to get a break, then getting a vacation package for them would be an ideal bet. Even better, get a deal in which you all can go for a family trip together or they can take a few of their friends along. With the advent of the holiday season, all travel companies, hotels and airlines around the world start offering great deals. Don’t let this chance slip away!

Number 3 - Personalized Gift Basket
Now this will involve a great deal of research and lot of dedication, but be sure that the result would be a smile as wide as the English Channel on the receiver’s face. You can go the traditional way and gift your acquaintance chocolate or liquor baskets. A great choice will be filling a great looking basket with the most favorite candies, chocolates, treats and even beer or liquors. However, if you are ready to tread the less known path, then go for hobby baskets. If the person likes playing baseball, give him/her a basket with memorabilia, limited edition stuff and some new gear. If he/she loves collecting something, then fill in the basket with some new collectibles.

Number 2 - Collection Of Old Memories In A Scrapbook
Again, a very touching gift! Real tears will welt up your own eyes even as you compile it and by the time you will be finished, you may not want to gift the scrapbook away. A very touchy and sensitive gift, this can be for people with whom you share a close bond of love, such as your parents, in-laws, siblings, partner, children, friends and so on. Even the coldest of hearts can melt away with such a gift. Get going and warm the heart of your beloved with this poignant gift!

And finally...
Number 1 - Very Personal Surprise
A truly customizable idea completely dependent on you and how you execute it. A popular trick is wrapping a gift in so many covers that by the time the receiver gets to the real gift, he imagines it’s all in vain, only to get something very precious or beyond expectations. Ideal for people who wish to present some really great surprise! Well, then what are you waiting for - now is the time to arrange in a special surprise for that special someone. All the best and yes, Merry Christmas!

Stella says:
So are your Christmas gifts in the top ten list?..hehe.. For me i bought just some simple Christmas gifts. Afterall, it's the thought that count. I bought gifts for each and everyone of the family.. and wrapped it already and put them under Christmas tree..:)

How's yours?.. :)
Take care.



Ellen ( a blogger friend) conducting an INTERESTING segment which is a segment created to enroll in her bloglist. So for those who want to be in her bloglist, you can participate in the segment. She invited me to join in this segment few days ago and I am willingly to support her.

Honestly, she is a nice blogger friend and constant in her blog updates. Most of her posts are about current news and few parts of her life. It's fun to read her blog and it is full of informative news too.. For me visiting to her blog is a must because you can see that her blog serves you various type of interesting stories. 

I really love to read the post titled "Happy Birthday MummyNemo". The post was about her experiences in blogging world and how she managed to struggles in only 5 months time to be known in this virtual world. Honestly I am really proud of her and truly respect of her effort because she managed to create her own mark in this blogging world in a short period.. :D

If she asks me what comments i would give to her about her current blog, i would say her blog is good enough. Informative and interesting enough. Perhaps maybe only do some changes for the font size or font type to make it looks more interesting and neat. However, the current appearance are good enough. At the end of the day, it's all depend to herself whether she want to create some new environment for her blog. And i welcome that with a big heart, as long as it is nice and good to see..hehe..

Okay that is all about Ellen's blog. Do come and visit her blog HERE and get to know her closely. You'll not regret to find her as a blogger friend, she is really a nice blogger.

By the way, this segment offer some prizes, so if you really eager to know what the prizes are, do visit her blog.. :D


A Mystery Gift

It's Wednesday.. and 3 more days until Christmas.. wow can't wait hehe..

Yesterday, as I reached home around 8.35pm, i checked our letter box and i found this one white envelope which my name written on it as the receiver. I wasn't really had an idea what it was about.  I was thinking who's the sender until i read this familiar name just at back of the envelope.

Yes, it's a gift from JUST :)

As soon as i found out that it was from Just, i opened the envelope and saw this cute lil' pink bag.

A cute little pink bag and a small Christmas card 
together with her business card.. :D

Thanks JUST for the gift. Hope you and your family will have a fun coming holiday :)

That's it for now. 
Till then have a great Wednesday :)


21 December 2010

His Birthday

Hello everyone, it's Tuesday  again and it's 4 more days to Christmas holiday.. :)
How i can't wait for holidays. Right now i am really not in the mood for work, but in the mood for holiday..hehe..

Well, as i promised you before, I'll post some of about my spouse's birthday celebration. Okay these were how it went.

On the day of his birthday, his parents invited us to Kam Boh Seafood Restaurant for dinner located at opposite of KK Times Square Building around 7.00pm. This was for hubby's birthday treat too.. Birthday celebration at hubby's family side always celebrated with dinner or lunch without birthday cake. At 1st i feel it is weird because most of birthday celebrations in their family were celebrated without birthday cake. But after almost 3 years of marriage, i able to adapt to their birthday tradition and gotten used to it. 

 Steamed Tilapia, Kangkung Belacan, 
Fried Sayur Manis cooked with Egg and Boiled Prawns
 -Kam Boh Seafood Restaurant-

After the dinner treat, we went back home. He was absolutely looked tired because before that he was in 3 hours journey drove from Kudat to KK , picked me up at my office and then went directly to Kam Boh Restaurant for dinner.

The moment he entered the house, he asked me. " Where is my present? " I felt that was really funny question because I actually intended to give him surprises. "Look everywhere, you'll find it hehehe..", I answered him. Then, he moved here and there to look for present..hahaha.. And as he entered in the bedroom, finally he saw something on our bed.

He was very happy to saw this present. I put the present on our bed before i left to work that very morning. In case he arrived home early(intended to surprise him). And as always he took photo of the birthday present first before deciding to unwrap it..

Meanwhile, as he was so busy capturing the photo of the birthday present, i quickly run to kitchen to prepare a birthday cake ( this is to surprise him too). I took out the birthday cake from refrigerator and put on the candles, suddenly he came to the kitchen hahaha.. It seems that my planning for this birthday cake surprise not really successful haha.. but he said he didn't expecting for birthday cake at all and he really can't believe I could bought a birthday cake for him (i didn't have transportation to go for cake shopping, but i got my own way how to get a cake hehe), so i guess there was a lil' bit of success..haha..

Happy face.. He was touched i bought him a birthday cake..hehe!

After we had some slices of cake, i asked him to connect the SD card to cpu to look for the photos captured earlier whether they're nice or not (haha.. this was also a tactic to surprise him hehe)
As he opened the computer, he saw these.. hehehe..
Another surprise for him. I created my own desktop wallpaper birthday cards for him. And he was really surprised and laughing all along as he saw the cards..hehe. Maybe because of the birthday hats.. haha..

The very next day, i brought him to Upperstar for a birthday treat. As usual he ordered his favorite meal.. :)

Mushroom soup, Grilled Lamb Chop, 
Grilled Chicken Chop and Seafood Tempura.
-Upperstar, Damai-

Okay that is all for now. I guess he had fun on his brithday. Indeed, both of us had fun.
Absolutely we will cherish these moments for the rest of our life.

"Cherish every moment and 
live every moment like there's no tomorrow"



18 December 2010

Love Award

Hello dear blogger friends,  how is your Saturday so far?.. I had a great day yesterday celebrating my hubby's birthday. We had fun together.. I hope we will have a fun weekend too.. And i am very HAPPY because he will start his leave on 20th Dec (this coming Monday) until New Year.. So all those time he will be in KK.. Yeay!! I am so happy.. :)

Well, for this post I am going to do the LOVE AWARD tag. It's been a while i received this award. I guess this is the right time for the award entry.. hehe

Thank you so much to Ayie, Baby Yats, Catherine, C3kz and Lina Ramsah for this "Love Award". Wow.. this is the very 1st time i received award from many bloggers at the same time for the same award. It's nearly half a dozen of blogger friends. Thanks gurls. 
All of you are very nice... GOD bless.. :)

And this award came together with several questions.
Since the questions are in Malay Language, I'll give answers in Malay Language too..:)

Here they are:-

1. Siapa orang yang korang paling sayang?

Saya sangat menyayangi pasangan hidup saya dan juga keluarga..

2. Kenapa korang sayang orang yang korang sayang tue?

Pasangan hidup: Sebab dia lah jodoh pemberian Tuhan.. dan saya sangat bersyukur mendapat seorang pasangan hidup yg amat memahami, penyabar dan penyayang. 
Keluarga: Saya mesti lah perlu sayang keluarga, kalau tidak siapa lg.. hehe

3.Berikan satu kata-kata sayang yang terbaik yang korang nak lafazkan kepada orang yang korang sayang, tapi masih tak mampu lagi untuk dilafazkan.

Hmmm..setakat ini semua sudah saya lafaz kan.. hehehe

4. lepas tue,korang tag kat 15 orang blogger untuk sampaikan salam kasih sayang korang tue..

Saya nak tag kepada semua follower dan kawan-kawan dalam senarai blog saya.. :)

So, that is for now. I am going to post about the birthday celebration sooner.. so stay tune..hehe

Hope all of you will be having a FUN and GREAT weekend.. :)
Take CARE..


17 December 2010

Birthday Again


It's 17th December 2010 and there is a Birthday Celebration again. 
Yes, birthday again..hehe.. But this time it's not mine. It's hubby's birthday.  December is indeed full of celebration for us. And i wrote it before.. do you remember?.. :)

I did wished him birthday as early as 12.00am through the phone. Well, i am going to plan something for him. Maybe go to a nice restaurant for his birthday treat. Like what he did for me on my last birthday, I'm going to bring him to his favorite place to eat too. At the moment he is on the way back to KK from Kudat and of course he will pick me up later after around 5.30pm.

Surprise?..hmmm..cannot state here.. Nanti bocor rahsia..hehe

Okay, will blogout later about the celebration.

Till then have a fun Friday.. :)
P/s:  It's coincidence. Just (a blogger friend) 's hubby also born on this day. I wonder what is she planning for her hubby.. :)


16 December 2010

Christmas Presents For Husband

You may be a great party organizer and an excellent gift planner. However, when it comes to gifting your husband, you are sure to feel the pressure. It becomes particularly difficult to decide on the gift for husband if you have been married for a long time. This is because you have gifted him all the things, which you think he needs the most and likes the best. The task becomes more complicated if your husband is a person who gets his stuffs by himself when and where he requires them. A quick flashback reveals that he has the latest gadget, modern trend of shirt and shoes, colognes and every other thing you could think of. Whatever the case may be, your gift will always be special to him as this represents your love and care for him. Try something unique this Christmas and surprise him with the least expected gift. We bring you some unusual Christmas gift ideas for husband, which will not only express your love for him but also boost your relation.

Christmas Presents For Husband

Romantic Christmas Dinner
Arrange for a surprise romantic dinner for your husband this Christmas. Prepare all his favorites and lay in the dinner table in the most fashionable manner. Put some red roses in a vase and place it in the center of the table. Decorate the room with Christmas decorations using the Christmas tree, ornaments, bells, Santa Claus dummy and other crafts. Put as many candles in the room as possible and place a big fashionable candle at the center of the table. Once you are done with the above works, switch off the lights and darken the room. When your husband is back home, take him to the room and light the candles. You can see him feeling extremely delighted at the care you took to give him such a pleasant surprise.

Personalized Items
Personalized items always have their benefits in being a convenient mode to express one’s sincere feelings to the recipient. You can present your husband cuddling pillows, personalized coffee-mugs, bracelet with his initial, his favourite books with his name engraved on the cover and the likes. If he has an inclination to a particular game, you can present him the sports kit. You can even buy him a ticket for any of his favorite match. Even the membership voucher to a sports club of his choice will be another fantastic gift idea.

Make personalized small tokens out of cardboard pasted with attractive papers. Make 25 tokens, one for each day. Write short personal messages on the back of each of the tokens. Write such messages, which convey your heart-felt love to your man, which had been unsaid in these years of marriage. Put these tokens in a vase and ask your husband to pick up a card each day till the day of Christmas. The messages can boost up the love between to an unimaginable height.

Key Chain
Present your husband a personalized key chain this Christmas. You can easily get a key chain carrying the initial letter of his name. Look out for such key chains which either has a small Santa Claus or snowman dummy. Even hangings of bell or other Christmas ornaments can make an excellent key chain.

Photo Frame
Take a photo which best expresses your love and encase it in an attractive photo frame. Choose a photo frame with Christmas theme and add a personal message at the bottom of the photo. You can also tie a small red ribbon at the top to give a further Christmas look to the gift.

Christmas Poem
Dedicate a romantic Christmas poem to your husband through cards or by simply reciting them to him. You can either take the poem of any poet of his choice or can go a step further to write a poem of your own.

Gift Baskets
Gift baskets have always been favourite Christmas gifts among the mass. When it comes to gifting your husband, choose such items, which are his favorites. This can be anything starting from the electronic gadgets, wine, shirts, watch to the lip-smacking food items. Fill the basket with cookies, candies, dried flowers, Christmas ornaments, candy cane, and other things, which you can think of. Wrap the basket with a ribbon and cover the stuffs with a net.

source:  world of Christmas

Stella says:
Another post about Christmas gift and this time is for the wives.. :)
Well, i am looking one too for dear one..hehe..:) Seriously, can't wait for Christmas. Hoping that Christmas celebration this year will be more meaningful and unforgettable ever. The most important is you are going to celebrate it with your loved one. :)

Till then, Have a great Thursday..:)

10 Gift Ideas For Wife On Christmas

If you are a married man, you need to know these 10 gift ideas for your wife on Christmas. Getting your wife an excellent Christmas present is important, because she will remember it all year. Show your wife that she is truly special by giving her one of the best gift ideas for Christmas. Your wife is sure to love getting one or more of these best Christmas gift ideas.

   1. Jewelry. Jewelry is always a good Christmas idea for your wife. You can get your wife a piece of jewelry with her birthstone in it. To make this Christmas gift even more special, have her name engraved into the jewelry.

   2. Perfume. With perfume, you can either buy your wife's favorite perfume or buy her a new scent to try. If you need help picking out a new scent, you can ask a sales person for help in selecting a new scent. You can also ask female coworkers and friends what their favorite type of perfume is.

   3. Lingerie. Most women like to have at least a few nice pieces of lingerie in their wardrobe. It is extremely important that you buy the right size of lingerie, so check the sizes on the lingerie that your wife already owns. If you are unsure of what type to buy, a black bra and panty set is always a hit.

   4. Spa day. A gift certificate to a day at a spa is a great way to show your wife that you appreciate her. This gift idea for your wife on Christmas, will help her feel relaxed and rejuvenated. If you want to make this gift more romantic, plan on spending the day with your wife at the spa.

   5. Chocolate. Giving your wife chocolate as a gift on Christmas gives her an excuse to indulge. Don't just go and buy a box of cheap chocolates, instead splurge and buy her a box of expensive chocolates. If you know your wife's favorite brand of chocolate, it is best to buy that kind of chocolate for her.

   6. Satin Sheets. Satin sheets are a luxury that many women love, but just don't spend the money on themselves. For this Christmas gift idea, make sure you buy the sheets in the color that matches your bed's comforter. If you don't think you can match a sheet set to your comforter, white is usually a good color choice for satin sheets.

   7. Hand written Card. Never underestimate the power of a hand written card. Generally, women are much more sentimental then men, so this Christmas gift idea for your wife will mean the world to her. Before you make the card, really think of something special to write to your wife in the card.

   8. Robot vacuum. Normally, a vacuum would not be a great idea for your wife for Christmas. However, a robot vacuum is an excellent gift choice. With a robot vacuum all your wife will have to do is push a button and watch the robot vacuum clean her floors.

   9. Framed Picture. A framed picture of the two of you is a Christmas gift idea that your wife will treasure for years. If you have children, chose a picture of your you and your wife will your children. The key to making this present special is making sure you pick out a beautiful frame to go with a special picture.

  10.  Homemade Gift Certificates. With this gift idea for your wife on Christmas, you type and print out your own gift certificates. Some homemade gift certificate ideas are back rubs or taking an extra turn doing the dishes.


Stella says:
Okay this entry is for the husbands. :)
Whatever gift you gave to your wife, make sure it'll be memorable ever and meaningful. The most important is you treasure your relationship and Christmas will be more meaningful if both you able to spend time together to Church and sing along the Christmas carols as well as praying together.. :)


15 December 2010

Simple Yet Unforgettable

Hi..Happy Wednesday,
It's been a day i didn't updated my blog. I wasn't well yesterday. Therefore i can't bring myself to online yesterday. Today i am quite well.. So, as i promised before i will blogout about my birthday celebration this year.

Indeed, it was an unforgettable birthday ever. Simple yet unforgettable. And there were surprises too. At sharp 12.00am,13th December 2010 hubby is the 1st person wished me birthday.  I was watching tv at that time. He hugged me from behind and whispered a birthday wish.. :) Seriously, I totally forgot about my birthday. And it was so nice of him as he took a day leave for my birthday. So the next day then he went back to Kudat.

Okay it's always best to describe the rest in pictures.

Me with a bouquet of roses from someone special

At my office, just a few minutes after a kind blogger friend, Just asked me through Facebook whether i received surprise for my birthday, a flower guy sent this bouquet of roses (above picture) with a cute teddy bear on it. Yes, true..someone sent this to my office. At first, i was confused what was happening. It was 11.00am and I was so shocked and at the same time quite malu-malu because ramai kawan2 ofis nampak orang hantar the bouquet of roses. It was so sweet.. honestly i didn't expect this because i never been through this before. My tears dropped when I read a small card on the bouquet. It's really touched my heart..A sweet and caring words from dear hubby..  I quickly wiped away my tears because malu ba kalau org nmpk haha..

White Rice with Chicken Curry

At 12.30pm, my mom in-law gave a lunch treat at PapaRich CityMall. It was so nice of her for remembering my birthday. She even wished me birthday through sms as early as 8.00 in the morning.

A Simple Birthday Celebration with family

After done work at office around 5.30pm, me and hubby directly went to Taman Bersatu (my parents house) to celebrate my birthday. It was fun.. simple yet memorable. The important thing is they still remembered my birthday and i am very happy that my family able to gathered during my birthday. Mom gave me a nice red blouse and my sister give me a pair of cute vase as birthday gifts.

Pre-Birthday Treat by Hubby

Yes, it was pre-birthday treat by hubby. He brought me to this my favourite restaurant, Kenny Rogers on the 12.12.2010 evening. Eventhough Kenny Rogers is my favourite restaurant, we were so seldom to go there because the rate of dish too expensive..haha.. And, we realized that we might couldn't managed to celebrate on our own for my birthday since it will be fully booked for family. So he gave me a birthday treat the day before my birthday. The dishes were soooooo delicious... and now i am getting hungry to see this picture again..hahaha.. Thanks to him, he was really thoughtful.

A birthday surprise again from hubby

As i wrote earlier, i celebrated my birthday at Taman Bersatu together with my family. Me and hubby then went back at our home around 10pm. So at home, upon I went out from bathroom, he threw surprise again for me. I was soooo touched and speechless. He knew that i really love this cake from Strawberry Cake House . No wonder the light at living room was switched off. I wonder why.. then i saw a birthday cake with candles.. i was sooo speechless!.. haha.. As i said before, he was really thoughtful.. :)

Okay end of birthday stories..hehe.. Indeed it was memorable birthday ever. It's not only memorable but meaningful too. Thanks again to all for the birthday wishes. I really appreciate all the things my hubby and my family had done for me for my birthday. Thanks a lot to them. May GOD bless everyone of us. 

And i still believe that,  it's the thought that count.


13 December 2010

My Birthday

It's 13th December 2010.
And it's my birthday.. I am so happy and feel so touched that i've been showered by lots of birthday wishes on my Facebook wall and even here in blog.

Well, eventhough the birthdate in Facebook is scheduled up to alert other friends about someone birthdate, i still appreciate to those who are willingly to spent time and energy to drop some wishes in my Facebook wall.

I am going to celebrate my birthday today at my parents house around 7pm. And i received surprises from someone too today.. Will tell you about it very soon..hehe..  By now i am ready to go to Putatan (my hometown), to celebrate my birthday.

Till then, hope you've an inspiring Monday.. :)