
27 December 2010

Christmas Celebrations

Hello friends, it's monday again.. and it's 27th December 2010. We're more likely to end the year 2010 in 5 days. So what is your preparation?.. 

So for now, i would like to post some of about my Christmas celebration. Well, for this year i was more on to family things. I didn't go to any friends house to celebrate Christmas, just with the in-law family and my family.

To begin with, Christmas eve dinner were conducted the day before Christmas. It was 7.00pm as me and hubby arrived at Promenade Hotel. Yes, we had dinner there with my hubby's family. It was nice to had dinner with his family because it was like long time already we didn't get to gather for dinner as each of family member were busy with the own affair.

 my plate..

hubby's plate


The family

Happy face.. got present from parents

So, the next day was a Christmas Day. As usual me and hubby went to the Church of Mary Immaculate for the Christmas Mass prayer at 9.00am.

The Church of Mary Immaculate on Christmas morning

 The Choir team.. Congrats to them for a great performance

 Baby Jesus in A Manger, nice deco

 Me and Hubby and Church Area

Santa Claus also there..hehe

After done offering prayer in church, me and hubby then went back to home to prepare for Christmas gathering with my family around 2.00pm. The gathering took place at my parents house in Taman Bersatu, Putatan. We bought a Christmas cake at Strawberry cake house, Damai and 2 slices of meat at Foh Sang to prepare a meal for the Christmas gathering. I offered myself to cook one meal at my home to bring out for the gathering, it was like a potluck though.

The food.. So, guess which meal i cooked?..hehe

The Christmas Cake..delicious!

My family.. :)

Happy with their Christmas gift.. :)

Okay, that's it for now. So, how's your Christmas celebration?..
 Christmas will be meaningful if you celebrate it with your loved ones. It will be more memorable and make you close to each other. And the most important is we able to understand the reason of the season.. :)

Till then, have a fun Monday..:)

p/s: I am on leave today until New Year and will be flying on a jet plane tomorrow..Yeay! can't wait..hehe..


  1. mkn ja oo kan! Heheheh.. xmas sia besa2 ja.. d rmh ja.. malas mo kluar.. :D

  2. Just:
    Ya lah..celebration mesti ada makan..
    Kalau nda mkn tdk sah..hehehehe...

    di rumah seja pun ok ba Just hehe

  3. wow...mknan yg enak2 ni...hehehe
    tahun ni xmas dia lebih best dr thn lalu...:)

  4. Baby Yats:
    ya..makanan enak2 hehehe..

    Christmas this year lg best?..waaa...great..good for u yats..:)

  5. Wow, you leaving us on the jet plane again...wahh! Holiday! holiday!

    Bah, enjoy your journey to where ever destination you had planned.

  6. merry christmas stella.. :) u have a great family :)

  7. Wyne:
    Thanks..ya holiday kunun..mau p honeymoon sempena our anniversary hehe

  8. NC:
    Thanks NC..same to you... Merry Christmas :)

  9. Nice gathering there! Hope everyone enjoyed themselves!!

  10. reanaclaire:
    thanks for visiting here. indeed everyone did had fun :)

  11. yes! Christmas will be more meaningful if u'd celebrated wit all ur beloved kn..hehe.will post mine too.but tggu ada pjg free time dlu now still byk karaja.hehe..btw, have a safe journey 2moro kio!:)

  12. Wow! really amazing xmas pictures esp the food...allala..lapar saja sya nampak..ehhe

  13. Cindy:
    Thanks! :) Ba mo tggu post dr ko ni hehehe

  14. Gunsirit:
    tq..itu la tujuan dia ba buat ko lapar..hehehe

  15. Nice.. so which one la you masak? It's nice to spend the holiday with family or good friends.. I haven't got the chance to post my Christmas story yet.. hehe

  16. Mimi:
    ko mo tau juga mana satu sya masak?..hehe..

    yg gmbr paling atas sebelah kiri hehehe..

    ya nice bah celebrate with family and friends :)

  17. hi stella, paling best the exchanging gifts moments kan...hehehe i like porky! lols...psst, mana gambar honey moon? :)

  18. hi stella, paling best the exchanging gifts moments kan...hehehe i like porky! lols...psst, mana gambar honey moon? :)

  19. Vera Peter:
    ya ba exchanging gifts siok... hahaha..sya pun suka porky hehehe..oppsss!!..

    sabar, nnti sya upload gmbr2 itu hehehehe
