
09 December 2010

GA Medal by Just

Okay this post goes to Just. A lovely lady, a loving mother and a good blogger friend.
Wow.. thank you soooooooo much to Just for giving me this medal. She's really generous. 
I participated her giveaway contest not long ago.
And she really generous enough to give prize not only to the exact winner but she gives  consolation prizes too.. Congratulations to all winners.. ( i got a consolation prize too..hehe.. Thanks Just.. you're the best!)

Thanks again for this appreciation. Looking more for her giveaway contest again hehe..
If you want to know about this lovely lady, visit her blog HERE.



  1. Thanks for this entry Stel... :D

  2. Congrat...apa sya mau cakap ah...ko mimang cun mau baca instructions GA semua ni kan? hehe

  3. Gunsirit:
    TQ..hahaha..ya ka...semua org pun blh baca tu instructions ba hahaha

  4. bnyk award sdh ni.. :) blh blanaj minum sdh heheheh.. :)
