
23 November 2010

Running – Good for Your Eyes?

You're probably familiar with some of the health benefits of running, such as improved cardiovascular function and weight loss, but did you know that it could also help prevent vision loss?

A pair of studies from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory tracked approximately 41,000 runners for more than seven years, and found that running reduced the risk of both cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Researchers found that men running 40 miles a week had a 35 percent lower risk of cataracts than men running 10 miles a week. The fastest 10K racers also had lower rates than slower runners. So, to keep your eyes in tip-top shape, it helps to run faster and longer.

Stella says:
Well if this fact is true, let us start to jog everyday to improve our eyesight. And of course not only that, jog can contribute to weight lose, to release some stress and makes you more energetic. :)

A blessed Tuesday.


  1. Aiyaaa...sya belum pernah pi jogging oo..laaaaama sudah. Perut pun buncit2 sudah...ahahha

  2. Gunsirit:
    hahaha..tu la nda p jogging.. Rajin2 bah jogging hehe..

    Have a blessed Tuesday

  3. tengah berfikir dalam sebulan berapa KM aku berlari..huh!

  4. ngam la sia blog-jog ari2 kan.. muahahhaha..

  5. Saya pun lama sudah nda joging...
    Mau amalkan lah nie, naik tangga awal pagi 3 round :)

  6. Biskut:
    Aih ko slu berlari ka biskut...sihat bah tu..

    blessed Tuesday :)

  7. Just:
    hahaha..ko ni aa.. Boleh kasi lose weight kaituuuu..hehe!

  8. Sumandak Kinabalu:
    Itu suda bagus..ada semangat yg positif..hehe

  9. Tidak disangka owh kan. Sy ini lagi, mmg kaki 'track field'...dusss!

  10. masih sakit kaki ni tau marathon.. hehe

  11. Wyne:
    Wah bgus lah kotu, kaki track field.. hehe.. Kalau sya nda lah..hehe..Joging biasa2 bulih la..hehe.. Mmg x sangka kan :)

  12. Admin:
    Ya ka?..hehe.. Ada peningkatan dalam penglihatan ka?..hehe..

    Thanks for visiting here :)

  13. ntah dari bulan berapa lagi sa bilang mo start joging tapi tida lah pernah2 tepigi...dekat pun stadium penampang pun susah betul mo drag myself to go futsal ja lah sports sa ni..tu pun once a week saja.

  14. duduk lebih baik dari tidur, berdiri lebih baik dari duduk, berjalan lebih baik dari berdiri, berlari lebih baik dari berjalan..maka berlari la selalu..heee..nice tips stella..

  15. Chegu Carol:
    aih...ok lah tu ada juga sport ko main..futsal tu pun penat juga tu... mmg sihat ko ni chegu hehe

  16. Nancy Poh:
    Wow..mcm bermadah-madah pula hehe...
    Berlari lah selalu kenen kan hehe..
    Jogging ba org putih bilang hehe

  17. 40 miles!, I don't think it would be my eyesight I would be worrying about, I'd have a heart attack ha ha!

  18. Dempsey:
    haha..those are for the athletes.. hehe.. 40 miles per week..pheww.. It's about 10km per day..can u make it?..hehe

    Anyway thanks for the visit :)

  19. I feel guilty reading this entry. Haven't done any form of exercise for months now! :P

    Lari setempat and bubut anak kira exercise la ba kan? hehehe

  20. LizeeWong:
    Exercise juga ba tu..asal ada bergerak hehehe :)
