
11 November 2010


 Yeay..I am so happy that a LOVELY blogger friend of mine, Just is conducting a giveaway in her blog.
She did mentioned it few weeks ago about a contest and of course I am
looking forward to it.
So, I am glad to participate this.
If you wanted to join this contest, just click at the picture below.

So what is the giveaway?.. Will let u know after this hehe. By now, let me tell you what are the conditions to participate this giveaway contest.. :)

1. You must be her FOLLOWER.
-I already be her follower a long time ago.

2. Include her blog in your bloglist. If you got few blog lists, pls specify.
-Yes, absolutely, done!

3. Place the GA image above at your sidebar and link to this entry.
-Done.. :)

4. Create an entry (BM / BI) for the GA with the title JUST CORNER BO GIVEAWAY!
-I am creating it now ..:)

5. The entry must include the GA image above and link to this entry.

6. The entry also must mention how you get to know bout the GA i.e. from whose blog (link to the person’s blog), from me, etc. Yes.. she's looking for top referrer.
-I know about this GA through Just herself.. :)

7. After you have done all, don’t forget to leave your entry link & email address by commenting in this entry.
-Okay will do..hehe
And the winning prize is:-


-Yeay!! A lovely Bag Organizer..-

I really love the giveaway.
I'm dreaming to have the bag for FREE of course hehe..
(itu kalau sya menang la..hahaha ) MySpace

So what are you waiting for?.. Let's join this contest..hehe..
Who knows you might be the winner..  :)

Okay that's it for now.. MySpace


  1. Mrs graig:
    TQ..hehe :)
    Join la..ko pun join kan..hehe

  2. hua hua..nnt share2 ah kalau menang tu beg..

  3. rajin betul stella nih ikut GA contest ek...bagus2 semangat tuh.

  4. Checked and ok! Gud luck. ;p

  5. wah..ramai sda yg join o.. hehe..tiada harapan la sa menang ni (^_^)

  6. Luv the giveaway bag. Bah good luck for the contest ah. cheers..

  7. cumiilnya itu pn mau ikot laa..hehe

  8. just:
    TQ just..hehe..ada chance menang ka ni haha

  9. c3kz:
    ba mari join ramai2..kasi ramai2 hehehe
