
26 November 2010

Award, Award, Award..

Hello dear friends.. It's Friday already. Yes!!, I am so happy because weekend is around the corner.  Sorry to keep you waiting so long for my blog update as well as to visit your blog. I can deny that I am so busy with the office work, but actually the main reason is the line yesterday was soooo.. bad. I can't even online in office yesterday for the whole day.  For an info, I didn't bring my Digi Broadband to office this week to give a way to my sisters since they're staying at my house. So I left my Digi Broadband at home and hoping that office's internet line will give a good performance. Well, things not went well as i hoping for. The internet line in this office really disappointed me.. uhuhuu.. But today, the line looks okay, so i hope it will last till late afternoon.. hehe :)

SO for today, i would like to give my Thanks greeting to my good blogger friends. Six gorgeous ladies. They are Glay, Just, Nancy Poh, Michelle, BabyYats and Azura. Thank you sooooo MUCH ladies for giving me the awards.
I really appreciate these gift.

-From Glay-

 I became the 100th follower for Glay's blog. And i did not expect she will create an award for the 100th follower. Thanks again Glay. I like to read her blog. Full of interesting post and i observed that she's more to art field and she loves music too. Kind of my type, i love music too..but I'm not really an art person. By the way, she's a good blogger. Keep it up Glay.. :)

-From Just-

I received this award from Just. 
Wow.. I am so touched to be given this "Anugerah Blogger Harapan". It makes me thinking of 'did i really deserved this award?..' Well positively thinking, I am so blessed to have blogger friends who are always support me in this blogging world. I can't rate my blog myself whether it is good enough, interesting enough or anything that similar to a great blogger because I believe it all depends on you, the readers out there who are always go through my blog. Thanks again to Just. I love to read her blog too especially on Tuesday because she's conducting the segment "Tuesday Tips' every Tuesday and it's very interesting and useful.

And for this award, i like to tag:-
Sumandak Kinabalu

Okay, the last award is by Nancy Poh, Michelle, BabyYats and Azura. Thank you sooo much for this award ladies. They're great bloggers too and I really love to read their blog. Interesting and compact as it is, writing about their everyday life and some of current news.  
" Friendship Award"..sounds interesting isn't.. :) 

For this award I like to tag:-
 All my blogger friends in my list and followers. :)

Okay that's it for now. Looking forward to weekend. :)
Till then, have a fun Friday :)


  1. buli ka sa ambil tu friendship award????

  2. Sy rasakan sama 'taraf' tu keja di opis sama 'awarad' di blog kita terima kan, Stella, 'made us busy' I mean...ekekek!

  3. wow nice... congratulation... you deserve them..
    and oh! i so like the chocolate thing.. so sweet hehe

  4. Wow..tahniah. Tapi jangan ko mengaus ah...yg dulu instructions dia sya teda jumpa2 lagi..ehehe

  5. beaty:
    Bulih ba kalau kau tu Beaty..ko ada dlm list saya..hehe

  6. Wyne:
    Busy se pun busy, keja pun busy..line pula tdk bagus hehehe.. Wat to do..sabar ja la..

  7. Stephaine:
    I love the choco thing too..hehehe..
    Okay you're welcome :)
    Grab the friendship award :)

  8. Gunsirit:
    Nda pa lah..hehe..sya nda mengaus tp geram siiiiikit ja..hehehehe... Nda ba, main2 ja..kekeke :P

  9. Macam mana lah hidup kita nie kalau tiada internet kan...hahahaha
    Thanks for the awards :)
    Bisuk saya buat kio...
    Kalah artis nie kalau begini, dorang pun tidak terima award hari2 ^ ^

  10. aku suka 100th VIP award yang ko dapat tuh..mengiurkan.hehe
    handphone takde line takper jangan internet takde.haha

  11. Sumandak Kinabalu:
    Tula..mcm mana rasanya kalau teda internet. Sya rasa mcm tdk lengkap owh..Mcm betul2 ketinggalan zmn kalau teda internet..nda pdt berhubung huhuhuuu

    Haha..kalah artis owh kan..hahaha

  12. Biskut:
    Haha..saya pun suka yg choco thing tu..hehe.. Line telefon teda nda apa, jgn internet..But for me, ni dua benda penting owh..mesti mau ada lian dua2..hahaha.. greedy!

  13. awh, so touching T_T
    ya, i'm more to arts ni miakakakaXD
    glad u like the choco like i do~ yammey~

  14. Glay:
    terharu ko Glay hehehe...
    Thanks again kio.. You have a great day113
