
08 October 2010

Food Lover..

Hi fellow bloggers,
How is your Friday?.. Hope all went well.
Today i'm going to post some food stuff here.. Yes, for all food lover out there. Remember that I did mentioned about Upperstar and a nice coffee shop at Jln Bundusan in my post on the last week of September?.. I promised to blog it out and today is the day.. :)

I always love Western food other than Chinese food. I love grilled chicken. I found that Upperstar grilled chicken
really tasty and the price also worth it. Whenever i feel like want to have some western food, i'll have myself at Upperstar Restaurant. As far as i know, there are 3 branches of Upperstar Restaurant in Kota Kinabalu itself. I don't know if there's any outside KK. The 3 branches are at Lintas, Damai and Kota Kinabalu city. For me, i always have my western food at Upperstar,Damai. Since, Damai is a bit peaceful because it's not as crowded as at Lintas and KK is quite far from my home compared to Damai.

Upperstar offers various type of food. From Western to Malaysian food. So, if you are not really into Western food, don't worry. You can always have nasi lemak, chicken curry with white rice and etc. Because i experienced this myself when i brought the whole family here to celebrate my brother's birthday. I found out my dad asked me, " Sini ada yang nasi ka?.. ( Is rice available here? ).." and then luckily there is chicken curry with white rice stated in menu and once again i found out my youngest sister also ordered for a meal with rice. Thank GOD.. :) I really want them having fun and happy with the food. Because it was the 1st time they came to Upperstar. And yes, they did. :)

Meanwhile, another favourite place is a nice coffee shop at Jln Bundusan. Previously it was located at Bukit Padang. They moved to Jln Bundusan starting last year. I don't know what to call the shop as it doesn't has specific name. But this food shop really famous with its 'Bihun sup isi ikan' ( Fish Noodle Soup ). I always have my lunch here with my dear. And he knows my favourite food so well, 'bihun sup isi ikan' plus 'kit chai ping'.. haha.. :)

Here are some photos for you to view at. Photos taken at several restaurants that I'd been in KK and Penampang.

-Grilled Chicken @ Upperstar Damai-

-Bihun Sup Isi Ikan@ Jln Bundusan-

-Fish and Chips@ NewYork NewYork, 1Borneo-

-Grilled Chicken@ NewYork NewYork, 1Borneo-

-Fish Noodles Soup@ Jack & Port, Donggongon-

-Steamed Fragrance Rice @ Jack & Port, Donggongon-

-Bolognaise Beef Spaghetti@ The Cross CityMall-

-Karamel Almondo@ Palm Square-

-Ice cream with pudding(I forgot the flavor hehe..) @Vedablu, CityMall-

Talking about food, i found myself gained so much weight already. Maybe because it's too much of western food hahaha.. and of course not only that..maybe I am taking too much dessert too since i love dessert so much. My favourite list are chocolate, pudding and ice- cream. I really love all those sweet food!!. Well, no wonder i gained weight.. hmmm.. Need too lose some weight now. I miss my old weight.. haha..

In order to lose some weight, i try to find some clue from internet. I think i need to workout my abs and thigh area . I found several info about the effective workouts for flat abs. I will share about this on my next post.. :)

Till then have a pleasant evening.

See u again soon.. :)


  1. waaahhh!!
    craving for food rite now!
    that's ur fault..

    neway,thx for the place info..

  2. Oh I am so with you, I have always liked Western Food than Chinese food. No offense but a lot of Asian dishes are pretty weird looking. Tasty, yes. But weird looking and the ingredients come from somewhere that might have been unwashed or something. I'm just really picky. Haha! I love Chinese Chickens though.

    There's always gotta be white rice for everything. I don't understand why Western people manage to live on bread all throughout the day! Haha!

    Those are some really tasty dishes you posted. I especially like the Bolognese Beef Spaghetti.

    While you're busy looking for ways to lose weight, I'm gonna do the opposite and gain some. I need weight badly!

  3. drooling :P. sadapnya...teliur sy..

  4. Yes---western food can be fattening... AND --if you eat SOUTHERN American food, it can REALLY be fattening...

    Your pictures made me HUNGRY... I love grilled chicken also. One of my favorite grilled chicken dishes is A Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad.... YUM...

    Thanks for coming to my blog. Come back anytime..


  5. Even though I am not hungry, after seeing all the great foods you prepared, I could eat. No doubt you are a wonderful cook. I do not cook much anymore. It is hard to cook for one.

  6. adreynieelisya: Haha..craving for food.. get yours now..haha.. thanks to too for visiting here.. :)

  7. Richard CM: haha..we can get some food after this dear!..:P

  8. HalfCrazy: We got similar taste. I love western food. I love chinese food too but not much as western.. :)
    Thanks for visiting here.. Wah..good for you. I guess you no need to put some weight. Because once you put on, it might get difficult to lose again.. Hehe, that's from my experience.. :)

    Have a great weekend..:)

  9. BelleReoz: drooling now?..haha apa lagi trus p kadai makan..hahaha

  10. Betsy: Hi Betsy, thanks for visiting here. Looking forward to see you again here..:) Yes, true..western food absolutely can be fattening, and i can get rid of my favourite food..hahaha.. I try to restrain myself from taking much of western food as well as those sweet food..:)

    Have a pleasant weekend.. :)

  11. LV: Haha.. All those food are from our local restaurants around my home area. I will be so grateful if i can cook at least one of the food here.. Will looking forward to learn how to make it though..:)

    Thanks for visiting here. You have a pleasant weekend..:)

  12. ohooo!! this is very tempting. unfortunately, am on my confinement uhuuu...

  13. I'm only asking for ten pounds, I wonder if it's too much to ask, haha! I mean I can't wear nice clothes without pinning or tying them down to fit me.

    After gaining ten pounds, I am so gonna be careful!

  14. helo,
    thanks for sharing all the interesting thing in your blog
    i just love this...

  15. OMG. I'm craving for food right now. Don't worry about gaining weight. Just go on a diet if you gain weight then eat again after you got your original weight back! haha! I love all kinds of cuisines!

  16. Oh No! I wasn't hungry at alll....til I saw your post!
    Wonder-full:) photos!

  17. Aloycia: thsnk you so much.. looking forward to see u visiting here again..:)

  18. Paige: It's fun to have various type of cuisine but the worst part is if ur weight gained tremendously. My weight had been gained lately and it's hard to get my old weight.. I have to do a lot of workout now haha!..

  19. Dawn: Thanks for visiting here.. Looking forward to see u again. Have a great weekend..:)

  20. Rahma: Hi, you can always have your favourite food after your confinement. Be patient ok.. and take care of yourself. Congrats on ur newborn baby..:)

  21. Halfcrazy: better be careful when u say u want to gain weight because you might unrealized ur body might out of shape..hehe..

    Anyway you can carry on your plan but be cautious along the way okay..:)

    You take care..:)
