
24 June 2010

Thanks For The Award

Thanks a lot to Jacynta and NC for these awards. I appreciate it so much..
Those who received this award should do three things.

1. Say THANK YOU to the person who gave u the award.
-- Thanks again to Jacynta and NC.. hehehe

2. Pass this on to 15 other bloggers.
-- May I not limit it to only 15 bloggers?.. I would like to pass it on to all bloggers in my bloglist. They all are great bloggers.. :)

3. Share 7 things You Don’t Know about Me..

Here are the 7 things..

1. I grow as a very shy and quiet girl. Not a social person.

2. I went to all girls’ school.

3. Number 1 (ONE) is really significant to me because it's always part of my life journey :-

# I am the 1st daughter of the family.
# My class was the 1st batch of Pure Science Class back in secondary school.
# I was in 1st batch Life Science Course for Matriculation College in Malacca.
# I went to UitM Perlis in Civil Engineering course where the course was 1st batch too.
# I am the first grand daughter / family member at my mom side offered to pursue study in west Malaysia.
# I had only 1 boyfriend, my 1st Love and now he my is my caring husband.. :)

4. It’s funny when I recall back the day during my study in Penang, most of friends thought me as the only the daughter of the family, or might be the youngest child of 2 siblings.. They were totally wrong..hahaha.. I am the eldest of 6 siblings.. and they didn’t believe it at all.. haha!

5. I just attended the First Ever Grand Parish Marriage Vows Renewal Eucharist Celebration at Sacred Cathedral Kota Kinabalu last Sunday (20th June 2010) which attended by over 200 couples. And again, did you notice the word ” First “?...hehe

6. I went to all girls’ school and it’s ironic that now my working environment is surrounded by male colleagues.

7. I didn’t eat eggplant and bitter gourd since I was kid. A years back I took these veggie till today and how I realizes that things changes. Now, I able to eat traditional dishes too such as ‘Tuhau’ & “ Bosou’ which I really hate since I was small. Things really changes..

That is all.. Hope this can give you an idea the things you don't know about me.. hehe.. at least.. :)

Things Changes, People Changes, Life Changes..
Hope this piece of award inspire me to blogout more.. :D

Have a great Day..


  1. Thanks for doing the tag :)

    yep,, everything changes :)

  2. You weds your 1st and only boyfriend? Same goes to me! We have lots of things in common.. I'm d 1st daughter too ^_^ Hehe.. Siok kan bikin ni tag..

  3. Hi annie,
    eh sama pla kita kan..ya siok bt ni tag..heheh!
