
17 April 2010

Thanks GOD, Happy Saturday.. :D

It’s a nice Saturday morning.. I went to office as usual. Thank GOD, today I feel better. I’ve been ill for about 2 weeks from fever, coughing, flue, headache, sore throat.. and I felt too weak to do any activity for the whole weeks.. It’s really challenging since I was alone at home. Hubby went for outstation. And another thing, I have to get my entire project in office done because of the due date was around the corner. Although I took 2 days mc, it really still not enough for me to recover. But then there came small voice from my heart.. It told me to stay strong. I was struggling for the whole 2 weeks. Thank GOD, I managed to face it.
There were times when I felt too tired and despaired.. but I know GOD was watching over me and gave me that strength to moved on.. I have done all the office work and submitted it to my superior. Hubby is now back at home. Feels like now the burdens fade away inches by inches.. I still got little coughing but overall I feel my body gains it health already.. :)


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