
01 October 2009


It’s been more than a week I didn’t update here.. I’ve been too busy lately.. Lots of work in office as well as to pay attention to my sisters and bro since they were staying at my house for the whole last week. Each of them wanted to use the internet line, and I gave that chance for them to use it. Last week was the Hari Raya celebration, and I didn’t go to any open house... A friend did invite me, but due to family thing, I can’t make it to her house. But she really understand and hoping we’ll be met one day. She was my schoolmate during our days in high school, Alicesa John.

On the other hand, I would like to congratulate my friend as well as my ex-classmate, Florence Robin on her wedding on last 20th September 2009. She’s absolutely looks gorgeous on her wedding day. I did attended her wedding ceremony at SDA Church Likas, KK. I am so happy to met her.. because we didn’t met since last day of our high school.. and as I look at her, she become more prettier and sweet together with her husband.
May GOD bless their marriage.

Florence Robin on her wedding day..
More pics at

So now I might wanted to share things that I’ve been done for the last week.. It was school holiday.. As my sisters, Stacy and Sandra as well as my brother, Willie came to my house..they’re really can’t wait to do the swimming activity. Honestly, I didn’t get any courage to swim because I can’t swim hehehe.. I could swim but just by depending on a kicking board and.. that’s it. My hubby did taught me for several years now, but only end up with swimming by using kicking board..and I really hate to see others swimming without relying on kicking board coz I didn’t dare to swim without it.

Finally, a day which I assume a miracle happened.. it was 23rd September 2009.. I really remember this was a historical date in my life.. the date where I can shout out “ I can SWIM!!!!”... Yes, really.. I did swim without relying on kicking board anymore and I’m sooooooo happy.. I even can hold long breath and dive deep inside the pool and touched the floor in it. What a miracle.. I didn’t afraid of water anymore and now I have the courage to swim and dive..hehehe.. Thank GOD for this.. and this reminds me that NOTHING is impossible in GOD’s hand.. the matter is ‘FAITH” should come first.. Thanks to my bro and not forget to my hubby and sisters for motivating me to do this..
I am so grateful.. :)

Sooo happy.. I can swim yeay! (opppssss sorry for the blurry pic.. :p)

Meanwhile, on the 3rd Raya day.. me and my hubby as well as bro and sisters went out for a trip. It’s not a long journey trip actually.. We were walking and taking some air just here around KK. We visited the KK Wet Land Centre and Bukit Bendera…and have a walk at Jesselton Point.. It was such a tiring journey because we’d been at 3 places for a day..but we had so much fun.. Had some see sighting and there here and there..hihihi..
we enjoyed the photograph session..:)

It was the first time for me and the rest to be in the KK Wet Land Centre.. it was such a calm moment.. the place is really beautiful and calming.. I really love the green leaves and grass.. and I really encourage for all of you out there who want to release some stress from that busy city, to come here and have some calmness moment..

KK Wet Land Centre..

I Love the greenie..

Bukit Bendera is the place where you can view the city of Kota Kinabalu from up above the hill and you can view the whole KK centre from up there.. such an amazing view with its’ blue sky, islands and buildings.

KK view from Bukit Bendera..

It's Kota Kinabalu..

And lastly, Jesselton Point is a place where you can view the seasight…It was a beautiful and amazing view.. This place is a seaport place actually, a place for a station of transportation to Manukan Island, Mamutik Island and etc.. You can go to Labuan from this port too..

KK arch..

Love this view..

It's a ferry to Labuan..

All of us.. :)

We had so much fun and enjoyed the trip..
Three days later after the 3rd raya day trip, we went on a trip again.
It was on last weekend.. I'll post some story of it as well as pictures on my next post.

Till then, have a great day and enjoy your day..
GOD bless..


  1. :) best o cuti2 ko.. patut la slu tggu hujung minggu msti dpt jalan2..hehe..siok o..

    wa..dpt berenang kn perasaan tu.. yg mcm ko dpt conquer dunia kunun tau berenang sda.
    sb sa pn nda pndai berenang ni dlu..lepas pg swimming class..baru last year a. baru la pndai. tpi tu pn,,blh lemas2 lagi inda kuat kn.hahaha

  2. wahhh....there's one beautiful bride! All brides look pretty on their wedding day huh.... wish there will be a day for me.

  3. can swim.Seriously I cant swim not even floating hehehe. I think I should overcome this.

    Nice trip, nice view..especially when go with family..

  4. Hi nc, ya siok ba jalan2..release tension hehehe..:) tu la slu tggu weekend ni..:p
    Mmg happy dpt berenang..betul ckp ko, perasaan dia tu susah mau diungkapkan aiseh..hehehe.. wah ko pun baru pandai pula aa..sama la kita ni.. ko mau kena slu p swimming ba tu.. baru kuat stamina hehehe

    Hi AngelBear, yes all brides look pretty on their wedding day.. and I’m sure u will be the same.. :)

    Hi Alv, Thanks.. I agree, you should overcome tht.. it’s fun once u know swimming.. Pelan2 belajar, lama2 pandai tu..hehehe.. Yup, mmg siok berjalan2 dgn and enjoy ba..:)

  5. d mana pla tu kk wet land tu? masih lagi blm brapa pandai berenang o...tsk tsk

  6. Hi claire, tu kk wet land sana dkt2 tu area jalan p bukit bendera ba tu hehe..ko p sana la one day..:)

    pelan2 belajar swimming,lama2 ko pandai tu hehe
