
20 July 2009

Everlasting Father

Yesterday, i went to church with dear hubby..and as I listened to this song.. My heart was so touched.. Really love this song. The lyric is simple but it's so meaningful..

Bapa Yang kekal

Kasih yang sempurna
telah ku terima dari Mu
bukan karna kebaikan ku
hanya oleh kasih karunia Mu
Kau pulihkan aku,
layakkanku tuk dapat memanggilMu Bapa

Kau b’ri yang kupinta
saat kumencari kumendapatkan
ku ketuk pintuMu
dan Kau bukakan
s’bab Kau Bapaku
Bapa yang kekal

Tak kan Kau biarkan
aku melangkah hanya sendirian
Kau selalu ada di hatiku
s’bab Kau Bapaku
Bapa yang kekal

Everlasting Father (English Translation)

The perfect Love
I had received from You
It’s not because of my kindness
It just because of Your Love ability ..
You healed me..
It deserved me to call You Father..

You give me what I asked
In moment of searching I will received
I knocked Your door
And You opened it
Because You are my father..
An everlasting Father..

You will not forsaken me
For me to walk alone
You are always in my heart
Because You are my Father
An everlasting Father..

* I translated the lyric to English. It might not perfect, but I hope you'll get the meaning. Thanks..

Have a great week.. God bless.. :)

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