
21 July 2009

Can't Wait Weekend..

It’s Tuesday and I can’t wait for weekend to come. This weekend I have plenty things to do. Plus my L class also will occur this Sunday. As myself counting days everyday, it feels like time running so slow, although we are now in the past mid July already and in 10 days we gonna be in new month again, entering August. Time flies so fast and it’s not as I imagined.. Sometime I feel it runs slow yet it's fast actually. Yes, I do believe and feel that weekend fly so fast because we only have 2 days for weekend. Yes they are Saturday and Sunday. Feels like 2 days for weekend not really enough for me. I think if my dearest hubby be transferred to KK, I’ll not in the state of being always counting and counting days for weekend hehe.. It’s the fact that we are far from each other and will spend our time together only on weekend, that brings me to become the “counter” of days hahaha.. well.. what to do kan.. :P

As I said before, I have plenty things to do this weekend. Actually it’s not only me, but includes the whole family. My mom and dad will celebrate their birthday this weekend. Yes I arrange for it.. We planned it to be celebrated on the same day as their birthdates differ only for about 2 days. Will celebrate it this coming Sunday. I’ll buy a cake and we agreed to celebrate it at Grace Point, Sembulan. I am happy about this..excited and can’t wait. I readied gifts for them..Yes, hope they’ll like it.. :)

Another happy thing that I would like to share is.. this year my dad will enter his 56 yrs old’s the retirement year for him. CONGRATSSS Dad..!!!.. Definitely, I’ll send my deepest congratulation to him.. Yes, deeply happy for him because finally he retires and can take a rest. Maybe he waited this for so long and that is why we wanted to celebrate this to warm his heart and....of course to let he know that we’re really care.... and LOVE him.. :D

Thanks to God for giving me a happy family.. May mom and dad have a long life and be blessed by Your Grace. Amen.