
02 June 2009

Housewarming June 09

Two families were gathered for the first time in this year 2009. Yes..both my family and my husband family. It was our housewarming gathering in Jalan Minintod. We moved here in February 2009 and just recently on the 1st June 2009, at 11.00am we had arranged our housewarming successfully. It was an enjoyable moment. Families gathered together and everyone says hi and asking each other how's everyone doing... Honestly, I am very happy and praise to God as we able to managed this housewarming party. Most of them asked me and hubby about the house such as how many rooms and etc.. Some of them also gave their own comments about the house. Well, for me I take all the comments as in positive way. At least, there were some effort to know about our new house, I assumed.. ;)

Not much activity actually. Just a house blessing prayer for an opening ceremony. The house blessing prayer was conducted by my mother. Since she’s easy to get and also appointed as one of religious which is called catechist in our church, so I let her did the job. Sweet and short prayer followed by the food blessing prayer. As for my mother-in-law, she did the cooking job. Of course..she really likes to cook and willing to do it. Almost of the dishes were prepared by her except the vegetable and two more dishes which we catered from the Kapin shop in Inanam. There were about 10 dishes all-together. Some of them were hinava and tuhau (kadazan dusun traditional food), chicken curry, sweet and sour sliced fish, fried mee, fried mihun and etc.. I am very grateful to have two mothers. They willing to help us for the success of the gathering. After the house and food blessing we proceed with lunch as well as chit chatting.

So, I take this opportunity to give thanks to...
  • My mom for her gift and prayer. It's a frame of Mother Mary picture. So beautiful..
  • My mother-in-law for preparing the foods. The foods are really tasty.. ;P
  • Also goes to my aunt for the "angpow". Thanks.. ;)
  • Sister-in-law and her husband, Mr and Mrs Arthur C. Makulim for their gift. We really appreciate that.
  • And lastly, to all who attended the gathering. Thanks a lot.. Without your present, the gathering ceremony will not be succeed. Your present means so much to me..;)

Will upload the photos of the gathering soon. ;)

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