
20 June 2009

Happy Father’s Day..

Ok, before I forgot.. I want to grab this opportunity to wish all dads out there a very Happy Father’s day.. Father is very important in our life..Same as mother.. Mother gave birth to us and raise us since we were small till we get our full education and till we reach adult life. Therefore, we should thank our parents for raising us and taking full care of us. Same goes to father, he always wants the best for you and of course he is the head of the family. His responsibility is to earn money and food as well as taking care of the whole family. He earns living for the family and at the same time should taking care about all his children.

I want to wish a lot of thank to my dad for giving me best education and for being kind dad all my life. He never complain whatever lack in our family and always try to give the best for me and to my brothers and sisters. In return, I want to do the best for him too and make him happy all along in his life. Now, it’s our turn to make him happy and to remember for all what good thing he ever done to us.. May you have a long live dad.. :)

We love you Dad!.. Hope you’’ll have a great day and blessed Father’s Day celebration.. ;)

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