
28 April 2009

Weekend at Tambunan

On the last 17th to 19th April 2009, I and my husband went to Tambunan to participate the “Retreat for Married Couple”. It was conducted in BM language by the brothers and sisters there. As for the first time we been there, I found that the place is very isolated and far from busy city. You have to go through gravel road before end up at the St Anne Church. The place is beautiful and very peaceful. When we reached at the place, we saw old couples. Seeing these couples, it reminds me my mom and dad in KK, I wish to bring them here one day.

I really respect for these couples, even though they are old they still keep themselves In God’s hand especially in this marriage matter. I can see that the act of love is still there, but can’t be denied some of them really didn’t show their love among each other. I think this is because their relationship is too long already till they get used to it and the act of love is not important anymore. It’s more about responsibility now. And of course, all of them come here to renew their marriage and to find peace in their relationship. Among all the couples, I and my husband were among the youngest couple.

It was great weekend been here for about 3 days. It renews our faith towards God and also our relationship. It gives us realisation that marriage matter is very important. This sacrament is the most important and powerful to build the Christian community as the Church community actually begins at home. It taught us how important as a parent to take the responsibility to show our children the right path walking towards God. Making life as what God wants us to, not as what we want to. Listening more to His words and always open our heart to accept God's love and blessings. I hope that one day we will be able to build a strong Catholic family which is bright in God’s eyes.

Here are some of the photos;

The retreat centre.

With Brother Tereso.

In front of the Church (retreat centre).

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