
20 May 2009

Latest Traditional Food Obsession

It started when I was in Tambunan last month attended a religious program there. One woman which I assumed originated from Tambunan, brought this traditional dish which our Sabahan people called it “Tuhau”. I saw they ate the “ Tuhau” together with rice and other food. Looks like delicious. I heard everybody said delicious. Wahhh..temptation is there.. really want to try it.. That’s what all the people there said it as appetizer.

I went back to KK and been stucked in mind to find out the taste of “Tuhau”. Tuhau is actually a type of pickled vegetable. I don’t know how do they make it, but I know this dish since I was small, at age 9 or 10. Due to its strong smell, most people especially new generations here in Sabah really don’t dare to try this food as i did since i was small. My aunt once asked me to try it, but I can't stand the smell..

Finally......!! Last Sunday I managed to try this dish. It was from the charity bazaar at the church hall. As I saw it, without second thought, grab it and paid. Wahhhh..the smell..can’t tell how it feels like.. but....definitely, the taste is soooo good. Can't resist to take it over and over again.. True, it can rise up your appetite and really great to take together with rice.. Even my husband whom I have known for so long, he never eats traditional dishes because of their smell and sour tastes, but this time is really different. It’s the magical of “ Tuhau”.. hahaha.. :) Deep in my heart feels so happy because finally my husband can accept one of traditional food here in Sabah...

Here are some taken photos.


  1. i like this.. personally i don't like quiet a number of sabah traditional foods.. but this 'tuhau', to be specific, this 'tuhau' that was bought at the church is different.. maybe i should try 'tuhau ' from other place like tambunan.. but finally something that i never wanted to try, now i've got the guts to try it.!

  2. I am happy for u dear. It’s a good thing.. ;)

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