
08 January 2009

Praying for Your Loved Ones..

Praying for your loved ones. It's an interesting topic. This is to remind us who lives here on earth to still keep in touch and to remember our loved ones. I am sure most of us still remember our loved ones, family members, friends or relatives who has gone far away from this earth. Certainly for those who lost their loved ones, no need to feel very sad or lonely. Just bear in mind that they are close to God and in His care. Life must go on and believe that one day you can meet with them.

Today, I read the Catholic Digest. It is the issue for November 2008 but I didn’t have much time to browse or read it earlier. So for now, since there’s not much work in the office, I am taking my time to read it.
In the page 24-30 which the title of the article “Praying to my Saints” really touched me. It explained that we can talk with our relatives who has died.. We can talk to them through prayer. We can pray for them, and in return they will pray for us who are still alive here on earth. Interesting is it?.. Yes..for me, this is very interesting..
Everyday in our life, let us put our prayer to God that they are in His care and blessing.

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