
09 July 2018

Kiki The Cat

We adopted a cat on May 2018. And my son gave a name, Kiki. I have been thinking to adopt a cat for my son as a pet since last year. But we cannot do that as we were living in an apartment and pet is not allowed. I posted a status on my facebook about adopting a cat. A yoga class friend approached me with her kittens by sending me photos of her kittens and i was really interested with Kiki's color. So i decided to bought Kiki from her. Sylvia said she will send to me this kitten when he reached 2 months old, because by this age he would wean from her mother. He was well trained to pee and poo in a litter box so it was easy for me. Because this is my first time adopting a cat. And i know nothing about a cat. So every now and then i will update Kiki's condition with her and will ask things like food, grooming, vaccination etc.

My son was the one who is really excited and always play with Kiki whenever he is at home especially when he came back from school.

Now that it is almost 2 months Kiki staying with us, the home feels alive with the existence of this cat in our house. Kiki is only a kitten but because of his breed was a mixed of Maine Coon and Persian, his size is quite big for his age.

Kiki is very active and playful. He got big eyes and soft orange color fur. His behavior is like a hunter because every things that are moving, he will slowly make a move to catch that moving thing. It was funny and all these characteristic seems new for me. And now i am thinking to adopt another cat haha..

25 May 2018

Moved to a new house

Most importantly, a very good news to us. We have been living in an apartment for almost 10 years. And I'm dying to move to a landed house. Living in an apartment on the highest floor without elevator. I am sick of climbing up those stairs every day. And of course especially to our special boy. He gets bored and likes to move around. So when he came back from school every day he would cry and will seek for attention. It is better for him to move freely and play outside like cycling or something like that to channel out his energy because he is one active boy. Now that we are already moved to a new house, I am so grateful. New place, new environment, and our son is much happier now. 

Well, i have to end this post here now. Will continue later. I have to cook for lunch before picking up my boy.. See ya!

23 May 2018

Welcome 2018

oh wow... 

I just browsed my blog again and i noticed that i have not posted any entries since year 2016.  And now we are moving to the midst of 2018. Two years plus, that was a long period of time i have been hibernating from blogging.

Lately, i have been thinking of blogging again and today is the day i open this blog. Honestly, i am really missing the day when i blog actively. See if i can continue this journey of blogging again. I think i got a lot of stories to share. A lot of stories playing in my mind right now.

But i must end this entry here right now. Going to fetch up my boy at school. See ya! catch up with you later.