
17 June 2016

Kokol Farmstay

On the 5th June 2016 which is Sunday, we, the three of us (hubby, Gabriel and I) went for a short trip to Kampung Kokol. We've been there before but this year would be our first time to visit there.

The place is just like Kundasang with the cool breeze weather. Because the location is up at hills which is at a higher ground, you can see the outstanding view from up there. The Kota Kinabalu city view and the sea as well really amazing and so peaceful. Added with cool breeze, it makes you calm and peace at heart, far from the crowd and congestion in the city. I'll always amazed with this creation of God when I reached here. As if i want to be here every weekend, just sit quietly facing the view with my book and maybe updating my blog.

Few years ago, we had been to Kokol Haven Resort and Kasih Sayang Resort at Kampung Kokol. This time around, we tried out the Kokol Farmstay also located at Kampung Kokol. These three accomodations are situated not far from each other, thus you'll not loss or misguided to somewhere.

The Kokol Farmstay rate is around RM120-Rm180 per night. It's a 2 storey homestay with cafe and bbq facilities and meeting room as well. We've never been staying here, perhaps someday not just a day trip. Could bring other family members as well to stay here.

So, let photos do the talking. 

That is all for now. Thank you for stopping by here. See you again in my next post. Till then have a great weekend. Oh ya, to those who haven't been to this place, perhaps this weekend would be nice for a day trip. 

God bless!

16 June 2016

Autism Awareness - Part 2

As i mentioned in previous post, this entry would be the part where we joined the 7km Autism Fun Run which was organized by Hospital Mesra Bukit Padang and Rojak Runners. The fun run took place at Hospital Mesra Bukit Padang on 24th April 2016.

The run started at 6.30pm. We were very excited for the run. We got finisher medals, each of us including our beloved boy who is only 4 years old.

It was really a memorable run as it was the first medal for our son Gabriel and for me too. Daddy is a runner and a swimmer since he was in primary school. I hope Gabriel will follow daddy's footstep.

We had fun and of course will join another fun run in the future. 

Here are some of our photo collections:-

 Gabriel and daddy..

 Gabriel is very excited to run along in the crowd..

 All blue.. Support Autism Run!

 At KM1. We managed to stop by for a picture.

 Meet few friends in the run..So happy!

 Another friend.. :)

 At the finishing line.Yeay! We made it!

Thank you for stopping by here in my post.
See you again in my next post. 
Till then have a great day!