
19 September 2011

My Giving Birth Story- PART 1

Hi everyone.. It's been a long time. 
Yes, I didn't update my blog for about a week plus. This confinement period plus taking care of newborn restrain me from spending a lot of time for blogging job.

However, now i am taking this short opportunity of time while my dearest baby boy is sleeping. Hope he sleeps a little longer right now..hehe

So, today i would like to share with you my giving birth experience. 

I went for doctor review on the 22nd August 2011. According to the ultrasound scan, doctor said the baby was still not engaged. My estimated delivery date was supposed to be on the 24th August 2011. However, i didn't feel any major contraction or something like that. 

Doctor suggested me to go for CTG process on the 24th August 2011 and he said i might be induced to bring on the contraction in order to go for labor. My heart was pounded as soon as i heard the word "induce" because it was rumored that the induce process contributing much more contraction pain than natural contraction.

As suggested by doctor, i went for CTG process on the 24th August. The CTG result showed that the baby heartbeat was slow and weak. Doctor asked me to come again to hospital the next day. He said i had to be induced to speed up the labor process which is mean, I should delivered my baby the very next day. He advised hubby and me that there is a risk to wait the labor to start on its own because the baby's heartbeat was weak. So, we accepted the doctor's advice.

Back at home, 24th August 2011 night,  suddenly I felt contraction during bedtime. I can't sleep the whole night. The contraction was not that bad, but due to the uncomfortable feeling, i can't put my eyes closed.

The next day, hubby and me went to Rafflesia Medical Centre. We headed straight to 1st floor. The nurse in charge checked my case notes and asked me to labor room for CTG and as well as checking the dilation. 

I remember she questioned me , " ada rasa sakit sudah ka?.. " I straightly answered I just felt the contraction the very night before. She asked me to change attire; have to wear hospital's cloth. And i noticed there was a blood spot on my pant means there's a sign of labor already..

Okay that is My Giving Birth Story for part 1.
to be continued.. :D

07 September 2011

Wordless Wednesday: He's Smiling ;)

He's smiling.. :D
At 6 days old he showed his sweetest smile.. :)