
21 June 2011


Hello everyone.. It's been long time i didn't update here.. It's not that i am really busy, but you know this pregnant lady, makin hari makin cepat penat..hehe
So, it takes time for me to set up a post.. After all, the celcom broadband punya line pun selalu out..isssh..tensen pun ada juga.
But don't worry i'll keep updating as soon as i can..

So today i would like to introduce you this RICELLA RICLAIRE blog. It is an online shop owned by me.. Actually it had been set up for a long time.. Tp baru sekarang mau intro kunun hehe.. SO, if you ada free time boleh la visit2 tu online shop saya.. (for those yg belum visit la hehe). I will update new dress/blouse collections from time to time.. Handbags and ladies shoes will coming soon.. still in process.. ;)

Just click at the banner below

 You can also add RICELLA RICLAIRE facebook,

And i would like to say thank you very much to (owned by Nancy Peter) for featuring my online shop in her blog.

Okay, that is all for now.. 
Have a blessed week....... :)

p/s: Don't forget visit2 blogshop saya k..hehe