
30 September 2010

The Malay Chronicles...

It's Thursday. And i am really looking forward for weekend.
How about you?.. Any plan for weekend?..
Perhaps to watch a movie or do some shopping?.. :)

Today as I view my Facebook homepage, I saw this friend of mine posted a video of a movie trailer. Thought want to share about it...

As i watched the trailer, i am really proud to say that finally there is a World Class film ever done by a Malaysian film director.

It is an epic film directed by Yusry Abdul Halim (also the director of “Cicak-Man” (2006) & “Cicakman 2 - Planet Hitam” (2008). ).

The movie entitled "The Malay Chronicles: Bloodline (Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa)". There is no an exact date yet when this film will be screened to our local cinemas. But for sure this will be in my must-watch-list.. :)

Genre: Action / Epic
Status: Coming Soon
Director: Yusry Abdul Halim
Language: English

Stephen Rahman-Hughes, Jing Lu,
Gavin Rees Stenhouse, Craig Robert
Fong, Eric Karl Henrik Norman,
Keith Chong, Keith Chong,
W. Hanafi Su, Dato' Rahim Razali,
Khir Rahman, Ummi Nazeera,
Nell Ng, Jehan Miskin, Umi Aida,
Kuswadinata, Mano Maniam,
Ravi Sunderlingam

read more about the movie here.

And this is the movie trailer : -

So what do you think after watching the trailer?.. :)

Okay, that's it for today.. Have a great and fun day..

God bless.

29 September 2010

Nasi Lemak PappaRich..

Hi, it's Wednesday.. We are in the midst of weekdays. How is your weekdays so far? Hope it was great and fun.

Today i would like to share with you about my fav food. I guess all of you must be having fun to do some food hunting. Well who's don't?.. I love to do hunting for some nice restaurant for a tempting food.. :) My favorite is Western and Chinese food.

Well, today i like to blog out about PappaRich Restaurant. This restaurant offers Malaysian traditional delights. It was first established in 2006 at Selayang Mall, Peninsular Malaysia. And now has over 39 outlets throughout the country. Its specialities are Char Koay Teow, Prawn Mee, Nasi Lemak, Dry Koay Teow, Chicken Chop and Chicken Porridge.

I love to go for lunch or dinner at PappaRich. This restaurant quite new here in KK. Located at citymall, KK (click HERE for map). And i think this outlet was the 1st ever branch launched in KK. So do you ever came there for food hunting?.. I've been there for at least more than twice a month since it's been launched. Yes, you can say that this is a favourite place for me to hang out while having meal after Upperstar and a nice coffee shop at Jln Bundusan. (will blog about these later)

As i mentioned before, my fav food is Western and Chinese food. But when it come to PappaRich, I fall in love with its Nasi Lemak.. Whenever i come there for a lunch or dinner, Nasi Lemak is a must. And i wonder this must be the reason I've gained weight on and off up to 54kg ~ 55kg.. hahaha.. I need to lose weight now!!.. Worried it might reach 60kg later..hahaha.....

Okay, these are some of the food that I managed to snap by using my mobile phone..

-Nasi Lemak-

-Curry Laksa-

-Curry Chicken with white rice-

-Longan Milk Honey Ice-

Looking at those pics made me hungry now..hehee..

So, that's it for today. Enjoy your meal.....
Till then, have a great day..... :)

PappaRich source:

27 September 2010

For Sabahan's Info..

Hi everyone..How's your weekend?..
Hope everything is fine and hoping that you had a lovely weekend.

I come accross this info about Sabah TYT's Birthday through my Facebook friends. Thought some of you might wanted to know the exact shifted date as the 16th September already appointed officially as Malaysia Day. Or might be some of you did know about this. So i just do some news sharing here.. :)

The official date for the Sabah TYT is shifted to first Saturday of October of every year. Therefore this coming 2nd October is entitled for holiday.

-Click the picture for full view-

Yeay!! another holiday.. can't wait..:)
I guess those who are working in private firm will be glad to hear this news as government workers is not working on Saturdays. And it's the only holiday for the month of October.. I think so..:)

For full info click here. You can view the announcement at page 11.

That's it for now.
Have a great Monday.. :)

23 September 2010

The Wedding, The Meet Up..

Hi.. How's your day..

Yesterday, as i read a post of one of my blogger friends,Just's Corner that she met some of old friends while she were in KK, it reminds me that I also met some of my ex-classmates a week ago. For an info, Just was my senior back in secondary school and now she's staying and working in KL. And now I am so glad that we become blogger friends.

By the way, I met those ex-classmates of mine while attending a wedding reception of one of our ex-classmate, Ms Helen Funk at KDCA, Penampang on the 16th September 2010. We never been hang out or meet each other since the past 10 years. That would be right after our form 5 class. We were in form 5 science commerce back in SM Stella Maris, Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu. I am so happy to meet them. And it's like a mini reunion. Trying to catch up to each other life story and it's like a tradition now where gathering or meet up can only be done during an ex-classmate's wedding.

-The Wedding Pic was So nice-

-Helen and Gerry-

-Here are the ex-classmates-
From left: Cynthia, Melissa, Me, Beverly, Annie and Jenny.

-Happy Faces.. :D -

Ok that is all for now. We meet again for next post..
Take care.. :)

22 September 2010

Happy MoonCake Festival

Hi everyone, how's your day?..
Hope everything is in fine condition throughout this holiday and festive season.
I was told by my chinese colleague that today is the MoonCake Festival.
Okay, therefore i want to take this opportunity to wish all of our chinese friend A Happy MoonCake Festival. I wonder how this MoonCake Festival existed. I've spent a little time to search for it in wikipedia.

The History of MoonCake Festival is linked to to the legends of Chang E, the mythical Moon Goddess of Immortality. According to “Li-Ji”, an ancient Chinese book recording customs and ceremonies, the Chinese Emperor should offer sacrifices to the sun in spring and the moon in autumn. The 15th day of the 8th lunar month is the day called “Mid-Autumn”. The night on the 15th of the 8th lunar month is also called “Night of the Moon”. Under the Song Dynasty (420), the day was officially declared for Mid-Autumn Festival.

Because of its central role in the Mid-Autumn festival, mooncakes remained popular even in recent years. For many, mooncakes form a central part of the Mid-Autumn festival experience such that it is now commonly known as 'Mooncake Festival'.

So, enjoy your MoonCake.. I Love to eat MoonCake it is now contain various flavour suit to your taste.

Till then, take care..:)

source for MoonCake Festival :

12 September 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2010..

I would like to take this opportunity to wish
"Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri"
to all our Muslim friends.

May this celebration bring us close to each other and peace to our country.

Have a great holiday.. ;)

07 September 2010

Blogwalking Award.. :D

It's been a while since last post. I've been tagged by AnnieMing this Blogwalking Award 2010. Thanks Annie for this. Award tagged along with 7 questions. So here are the questions and my answers for them. :D

1) Apakah yang bermain di minda anda sekarang?
- Can't wait 530pm.. (mau cpt pulang rumah hehe..) And can't wait my other half to be in KK.

2) Apakah nama samaran anda?

3) Siapakah 3 orang paling kamu sayang?

I Love GOD so much.. and 3 org paling saya sayang ialah..
My other half, My Mom, My Dad and my siblings.. (eh terlebih 3 suda ni..hahaha..)

4) Panggilan untuk si dia.

He has a lot of names to call hahaha.. I called him dear, mydear, baby, darling, honey..hahaha..
I called him different names depends on my mood.. :P

5) Hadiah yang diimpikan daripada seseorang yang istimewa.

I don't know.. Nothing in particular. As long as he appreciates me, respects me and LOVES me soooo much.. I think that's the greatest and special gift ever.. :)

6) Blog mana yang anda selalu lawat?

A lot.. from circle of blogger friends, photography, religion, cooking, going places and etc.. :)

7) Tagkan kepada 15 blogger.
I would like to tag ImagesChaser, Clarice, Jacinta, Antonia, Dawn, Vera, TwoFiveSix, Lizee Wong, Lorenza, NurulAini, Fara, Just Suntin, AngelBear, Vienne and MemelJoan. :D

Have fun with the tag.. :)
And have a great time for the coming Hari Raya holiday..... :D