
26 July 2010


Magnificient. All drawn with pencil. I am so amaze with their ability. I wish I can draw like this.. :D

More drawing click this link:

20 July 2010

All in One Stories..

Yes, these were about all things happened last week. To begin with last Tuesday, I went to office as usual and had my breakfast at office. I had a cup of Milo and piece of biscuit. Suddenly I felt something wrong with my stomach. Thought that I can bear it for a while, but it seem getting worse and after few minutes later it became truly worse until I can’t even stand. It made me think of what sort of meal I took the day before because I really didn’t understand why my stomach gone upset like that. Dear hubby was in Kudat. I am really sad at that time. He’s not in KK and suddenly I fell into chronic stomachache. Feels like I am the only one living in this world that nobody I have to went to. Thank GOD my family is around Putatan (about only 20 mins from KK) and I really can’t stand the stomach pain till I called my younger brother to fetch me up. It was about 9am. I have to wait for about 20 mins till he arrived and sent me straight forward to my parent’s house in Putatan.

As I reached at my parent’s house, I lied down on bed in weak condition till I fell to sleep. Around 12.30pm dear hubby came. I am so glad and it feels like a dream, I wake up and he’s beside me. Thanks GOD, I am really happy at that time. Then few hours later he brought me to see doctor. Doctor confirmed with me that my gastric pain is striking me again and it was really chronic till it affects my intestine. Yes, I had diarrhea before that. That’s how it started.. Doctor gave 3 types of pill. Of course there’s for gastric pain plus for vomiting and diarrhea which stated take it only if needed. Doctor gave me 2 days mc, so I didn’t turn up to office for couple of days.

The day after I went to clinic, I felt better and continuing taking the medicine that doctor gave me. I went back to office on Thursday. At around 5.30pm, my hubby fetched me up. You must notice why he picked me up hahaha.. Yes he took effort to be with me.. how sweet of him, but still I’m so pity of him . He had to drive to and fro from Kota Marudu and Kota Kinabalu, because he had to attend meeting in Kota Marudu for 3 days. I really appreciate what he had done for me, and I never take that for granted. Thank GOD I found him.

Later, at about 6pm, I received called from my mom. She wanted to bring me along to visit my aunty (uncle’s wife) in Likas Hospital. She admitted to ICU. However, I am not in the mood to go somewhere else since I’m just recover from my gastric pain plus I don’t want to be infected by germs in hospital thought that it will weaken my antibody in order to recover back from my sickness. So, mom just brought dad and my youngest brother to visit my aunty.

On Saturday, I felt much better. I went to office for half day work. Then, I went to Ms Sylvrina wedding reception. She was my schoolmate back in secondary school. She looked so beautiful on her wedding dress. She is currently working under health department and her husband is a teacher. We had so much fun on her wedding reception where we were served by various performances which include their 1st dance, choir performance, line dances, dances performed by their relatives and many more. And of course not forget to take picture with the bride while hubby had fun taking pictures of the couple since he always like to take picture of wedding couple for his photography learning process.

-The Lovely Newlywed-

-With the Bride-

More of the newlywed photos HERE..

And on Sunday which is yesterday, I went to my aunty funeral. Remember I wrote earlier about my aunty that my mom asked to bring me along to visit her on last Thursday?.. Yes, finally she rest in peace 2 days later. She was such a strong lady. And I just knew yesterday that she suffered from servic cancer. She left her husband (my uncle which is Mom’s brother) 54 yrs old, 2 daughters and 3 sons. The funeral take place at our village in Kg Kinarut, Papar and were attended by relatives all the way from KK, Tenom, Tuaran, Kota Belud, Papar, Labuan, Sarawak and Singapore.

That's what really happened to myself and around me on the last week. Things have its up and down. What is matter the most, we have to be ready and surrender ourselves to GOD. Have faith in him no matter what things happen. Because He never fails to LOVE us. He never fails to care of US. He never fails to HELP us.. And these things also remind me that GOD can called us anytime..He can make us return to him at anytime that we never think of..

The conclusion is, our Life is in GOD's hand..

12 July 2010

Congrats SPAIN!..


Congratulation to SPAIN now becomes the Winner of World Cup 2010. I can’t believe that Paul the Octopus predict it right.. Now I think Paul the Octopus is much more famous than SPAIN..hehehe.. All his prediction in world cup 2010 games is correct. So I wonder how this octopus thing exists. I am not a bigger fan of World Cup but the octopus made me so eager to know whether his prediction will make it through till the final round. It’s unbelievable.. He predicts it right!!..:)

And I heard that this is the first time ever SPAIN went to Final round in World Cup games and win its first ever cup.. Amazing!!!..:)


Once again, Congrats to SPAIN..You should celebrating it now..
World Cup now ends .. Life back to normal..

08 July 2010

Reminiscing June 2010

How sweet to flash back the celebration that went on June..
I never planned this but it suddenly came while me and hubby wanted to take the opportunity, not to be left out..

Yes, it’s about the Renewal Vow Celebration for Wedding Couple.. The 1st ever Event Celebrated in Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu.

By the way, 1st of all, I really felt nervous about how they are going to conduct to such large participants for this event. It were participated by over 200 couples. Can’t be denied, things went well.. The organizers really planned this well.. As the celebration went on, it really reminds me the 1st time I pronounced those vow at the same church. I really absorbed through the moment and totally felt renewed. Thank GOD, You give this opportunity to us. And not forget to my parents and parents in-law, they attended this event too.

My parents have been married for over 29 years, meanwhile my parents in-law married for about 33 years now. I am very excited to see my mom and dad were in the moment. They never renew their vow since their wedding back in August 1981 and I dreamt for this for so long. I always wanted to see them wearing nice dress and nice coat to celebrate their wedding anniversary as well as to say their vow again at the church.

How can I say.. GOD heard my prayer.. I dreamt for this since twice years ago.. and at the very this year, in the month of June, to my surprised the church organized the 1st ever such event..
Once again, thank GOD..

Like a wedding for the very 1st time, the preparation made us nervous and for sure that are one of those things that really keep us closed. By discussing of what type of dress, make up, hairstyle..i found it’s really fun to do those things again.. Do you agree with me?.. :)

People say pictures represent thousands words.. Now I share some of the pictures..


- Mom and Dad.. -

-The parents in-law -

-Three Couples.. -

And well, not forget to my childhood friend, Ms Ezan Salami who also tied knot in the month of June, a week after the renewal vow celebration. They made cute couple.
Thanks to them for putting trust in my hubby as their official photographer
for their wedding ceremony..
Congrats Ezan, may both u live happily ever after..
More on hubby's photography work HERE..

-Ms Ezan and Mr Anthony-