
22 March 2010

Monday Again..

I arrived at office at 8.25am today.. Feels like very fresh and energetic.. Our office hour is now changed to 8.30am-5.30pm starting from today. Previously was 8.00am-5.00pm. Boleh sdh bgn lambat2 hehehe..:P I walked out from home at about 8.00am and drove to a nearby coffee shop for breakfast and left at about 8.15am for office.

Well, it’s Monday again.. and it’s the 4th week of March.. I am sure most of us can’t wait for the pay day.. as I heard most of the government staff will receive their salary this week.. and what can I say, it’s the pay week for them.. syoknyaaaa...... :D

For me, my pay day is always late.. It’s not on the 25th day nor 30th day of the month.. it’s always the first week of the following month.. hmm..what to do.. Boss always take times to sign the cheque..aiyo..

I hope you will have a great Monday.. :D

Take care.

17 March 2010

Forget and Forgive..

- Forget and Forgive-

Hello dear fellow bloggers..
How is your day today..:)
Hope it is smooth as what you want it to be..

To dear Catholic friends, how yours Lenten season lately?.. There will be a penitential service at 7pm for today and tomorrow at Sacredheart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu. For those who didn’t go for confession yet and staying in Kota Kinabalu area, you still have time to do so at least for today and tomorrow.

Ok that is all for now..
Hope as the day goes by, our heart filled with blessings and happiness.
It's the time for us to Forget and Forgive as Easter will be coming soon..

So, begin the day with a smile.. :D

11 March 2010

It's Thursday..

What’s for Thursday?.. So far, not much really.. Yes, for me not much. So, how’s urs?.. I am still busy with works here in office. I try to write a short post here saying hello to you all my bloggers fellow.. Now my mood is forwarding for weekend.. Can’t wait.. I need rest.. a lot things to do for weekdays that they are non other than my works here in office.. I think I want to lay down at home for the whole weekend.. resting whole day, watching tv and listening to music while having ‘myluv’ by my side..hehe!.. :P

Friday please come faster...... :)

10 March 2010

Reminiscing February

It’s the 2nd week of March and it’s been long time since the last post.. So how is everyone?.. Are all of us in a very good mood?.. A good and best lifestyle?.. Got a good job and working everyday happily?..

For me, I am still here same with the old job.. been here since 2007.. Quite free now so I post something to read and to see here..hehe..

Reminiscing last February for Valentine’s day and Chinese New year.. Here are the pics:-

Thanks to hubby for this Valentine’s gift.. and we had nice dinner at Promenade Hotel afterward.

We spent that Valentine’s evening with Mom & Dad..

CNY also got their own ‘Santa Claus’..hehe!

I like this pic.. But the waitress tdk pandai ambil..blurrr.. 2 kali ambil, dua pic juga blurrr..adeh!

We had fun watching the tiger, lion and dragon buat persembahan..hehe